Haiti Place Obama Sends Merten Back to Haiti as New Election Crisis Looms

News Information

  • NEWS_POSTED_BY: Haiti Place
  • NEWS_POSTED_ON: Sep 30, 2015
  • Views : 765
  • Likes : 1
  • Category : General News
  • Description : The Huffington Post
    Posted: 09/27/2015 5:23 pm EDT Updated: 09/27/2015 5:59 pm EDT

    Photo Credit: Nienaber - Election posters in October 2010, Port-Au-Prince.
  • Location : Haiti
  • Website : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/georgianne-nienaber/obama-sends-merten-back-t_b_8204364.html


  • U. S. Presidents will sometimes scheme to preserve a legacy, but the media is strangely silent on the Obama administration's latest move in Haiti. With little fanfare from our shores, Kenneth Merten was appointed as the Haiti Special Coordinator in August 2015. Merten served as the United States Ambassador to Haiti from 2009 to July 2012. Why President Obama and John Kerry would want to return Merten to Haiti is anyone's guess, since his tenure as Ambassador did little to lift Haiti from the hell of the 2010 earthquake or the corruption that followed.

    During Merten's time in Haiti, the country also faced allegations of a rigged Presidential election and misappropriation of earthquake relief funds. The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs attributed some of the most egregious waste to USAID in blistering testimony: "Haiti: Is U.S. Aid Effective?" Included is a Government Accountability Office (GAO) analysis of failures at the Caracol Industrial Park development, and other "programs that have been slowly implemented, more costly than planned, and of questionably lasting impact." Caracol is the creation of Hillary Clinton, her former chief of staff Cheryl Mills, and the Clinton Foundation.

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