Agriculture, food resources and economic catalyst
If we start with the premise that people are poor because the lack money, the most direct solution to poverty is to provide poor people with jobs paying descent wages or to help farm families generate more incomes from the land they till or from business they run. There’s also indirect solution enabling poor people to save money by providing them with products and services that replace more expensive options.
There is a negative trend that is developing in Haiti: Everyone complains, no hope, no production, the country is extremely poor. You can spend the rest of his life to complain nothing will change. The important thing is to start something that could change the conditions of life. "To earn the esteem, it is not necessary to do great things, simply have to try"
Being a space for debate, we enjoy to inform you of what we are doing right now as a pilot.
As announced we identified 4 very rich sectors of production: Chicken[WM1] , Moringa, guinea fowl, fish. However, we will track the agribusiness in two main areas after the production scale:
1- The processed of local products: Juice, jelly, jam, coffee oil, tablet, powder, chocolate, honey,
2- Local consummation: Rice, corn, banana, eggs, fish, goat, chicken, guinea fowl, moringa, vegetable, potatoes, beans,
We take the first step, we invite all those who share the same vision as us to come join us. The only difference, we do not ask for donations, but an investment. That is to say, a person can say: I invested one hand while waiting for a 15% interest a month
The investor can choose the option that suits him: the level of investment is $ 200, $ 500, $ 1,000, $ 2,000. An investor may place several investment shares at once or in installments.
It's already gone. We currently have a band of 3000 chickens in production, we have just acquired a local for the restoration, organization of fairs, product processing.
On September 22, 2015, we will launch our first agricultural fair.
Haiti is a country where agriculture plays a central role in economic development because the majority of poor countries derive their livelihood from the ground. "The only way to have real leaders concerned about the well-being of their fellow citizens to improve the situation of the majority of them is to help them first to increase the productivity of their food and cash crops and then to raise the prices at which they are paid to farmers".
However, for lack of innovation sector is despised. The level of production is decreased to such an extent that the actors are forced to abandon the field to look elsewhere for a so-called wellness. The products are of organic origin could be an important source of food, income and employment to the entire population. So the opportunities are there. Simply well exploit.
Our project aims to offer new alternatives are:
- Increase domestic production capacity of certain sectors in nutritional value and market
- Transformation or processed of products
- Consumption: The objective is to offer to the population of food from local production at low prices
- Organize the work by introducing new technologies (cell phones, tablets, PCs, Network, social networks) to facilitate the purchase and sale of products, encourage investment in the sector, and train farmers in managing agro-animals businesses.
- Valuing women's work alongside that of men to achieve genuine gender equality
- Reorganize the farming system to achieve better production
Aware of the situation of poverty in which the people of Haiti has been plagued for many decades, we make it a duty to put us at the forefront of a dynamic production for socio economic independence. When we speak of production, it is a set of parameters: agriculture, processing, education, new technologies, transportation, nutrition, health.
For us, the change in Haiti is synonymous with new directions. That everyone who is interested in the progress of Haiti should know: context goes hand in hand with climate change.
Some species such as corn, peas, sorghum, etc. cannot be produced because of the drought. You have to see agricultural production in some other way. We need new alternatives to address the population of the state of extreme poverty.
Contrary to those who think that Haiti is a poor country, we say NO. But not enough to say NO, we must take action.
We have evidence that Haiti has a lot of opportunities. We must start small profitable agricultural activities.
We study the market and tested activities such as:
- Vegetable production in Ganthier (255 family gardens) in 2013-2014
- Production of guinea fowl in Hinche (76 farm families) with guinea 3800 for 2014-2015.
- Production of Tilapia fish variety Rose Double Harvest Bonnette and with the support of Caribbean Harvest as fry supplier (18,000 fish)
- The construction of 40 family home, each family head just received a credit of 12,500 gourdes to conduct small business
- Production of 7000 chickens 7 bands whose growth time is 45 days
Our plans for the next two years
- Production of 200,000 broilers
- Improved breed (1,000,000) by crossing indigenous chickens with improved bloodstocks
- Production of 200,000 guinea fowl
- Moringa production on 50 hectares of land
- Production 10 000,000 fish (Tilapia) through family hill lakes
Phase II
- The introduction of the new mobile technology as a means to sell or purchase agricultural goods and services
- The processing of agricultural products to create added values
- Adding value to local products by the qualitative and quantitative improvement via our restaurant, food fair, home delivery. All to add value to local products
- Change the mode of transportation of agricultural products and animals just to improve product quality