Haiti Place
Clinton Foundation travels to Haiti amid criticisms
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Haiti Place
Aug 05, 2015
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General News
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The Examiner
By SARAH WESTWOOD • 7/30/15 12:01 AM
Photo: Chelsea Clinton, VP of her family's foundation, visited Haiti to see the impact of the philanthropy's work. (AP)
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- Chelsea Clinton, vice chair of her family's foundation, and Donna Shalala, president of the Clinton Foundation, traveled to Haiti week with a group of foundation supporters to survey the philanthropy's work in that country, much of which has been controversial.
Their visit gave critics an opportunity to address the millions of dollars that seemingly disappeared inside the country under Hillary Clinton's watch as companies connected to the former secretary of state received lucrative contracts in the wake of the 2010 earthquake there.
The Clinton Foundation alone raised more than $30 million for Haiti in the wake of the 2010 earthquake that claimed more than 200,000 lives.
But the famous philanthropy and the State Department were each involved in a number of reconstruction projects that highlight some of the weaknesses often cited in discussions of Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state, including suggestions that she opened herself up to potential conflicts of interest.
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