Haiti Place Role of Hillary Clinton’s brother in Haiti gold mine raises eyebrows

News Information

  • NEWS_POSTED_BY: Haiti Place
  • NEWS_POSTED_ON: Apr 29, 2015
  • Views : 889
  • Category : Haiti News
  • Description : By Kevin Sullivan and Rosalind S. Helderman March 20, 2015

    Photo: A man walks with a horse close to the guardhouse of VCS Mining, which mines gold in Haiti and has raised controversy by naming Tony Rodham, brother of Hillary Rodham Clinton, to its board. (Andres Martinez Casares/For The Washington Post)
  • Location : Morne Bossa, Nord, Haiti
  • Website : http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/role-of-hillary-clintons-brother-in-haiti-gold-mine-raises-eyebrows/2015/03/20/c8b6e3bc-


  • MORNE BOSSA, Haiti — Drive down the rutted dirt road a couple of miles to the guardhouse, then hike 15 minutes up to the overgrown hilltop, and there it is: a piece of 3 1/2 -inch-wide PVC pipe sticking out of the ground.

    This is what, at least for the time being, a gold mine looks like.

    It also has become a potentially problematic issue for Hillary Rodham Clinton as she considers a second presidential run, after it was revealed this month that in 2013, one of her brothers was added to the advisory board of the company that owns the mine.

    Tony Rodham’s involvement with the mine, which has become a source of controversy in Haiti because of concern about potential environmental damage and the belief that the project will primarily benefit foreign investors, was first revealed in publicity about an upcoming book on the Clintons by author Peter Schweizer.

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