Haiti Place Haiti is Open for Business

Blog Information

  • Posted By : Pierre Labaze
  • Posted On : Dec 12, 2014
  • Views : 1131
  • Likes : 1
  • Category : Business
  • Description :


  • But I have no money…

    What if you did have the money, then what?

    Where would you invest it? What would you invest in? Who would you invest with?

    What return would you expect on your money? Forget return on your money, what about the return of your money?

    What support system do you have in place to insure return on and return of your money?

    What incentives are available in the US to encourage investing in Haiti? What incentives does Haiti offer to encourage investment?

    What legal protection would you put in place for you investment? What about physical protection?

    How involved do you want to be in a possible investment in Haiti?

    What type of ownership are you looking to have? Sole proprietor, Majority Equity ownership, Minority ownership, Cooperative ownership, Lender?

    Where could you find money to invest in Haiti?

    How do you mitigate the risks of investing in Haiti?

    Investing in Haiti is a clear case of “kote k gen kou pa gen chenn”—Where there are necks there are no necklace. I have met a lot of people who are interested in Haiti but lack knowledge, talent, discipline or financial backing to successfully invest in Haiti. I have met others who have what it takes but lack the desire to engage in impactful projects in Haiti. In both camps emotions run wild: fear, anger, jealousy, greed, love etc. It is important that you identify your own emotions and in most instances have your questions answered.

    Is there a question that I missed?

    What question would you add to the above list? Which one do you think I should answer first?

    Do you already have the answer to some of these questions?

    Subscribe to this list if you would like to find funding or have funding to invest in Haiti

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