Haiti Place Shimon Peres, Former President of Israel

Blog Information

  • Posted By : Marcel Wah
  • Posted On : Sep 14, 2015
  • Comments : 1
  • Views : 1174
  • Likes : 1
  • Category : Other
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  • A friend share the story of Shimon Peres with me and wanted to "Pay It Forward".

    Shimon Peres, Former Prime Minister and President of Israel, is one of those rare leaders. He has been around since the independence of Israel. He said that his people have gotten a little piece of land with no water at all and no soil, no natural resources either, a salty dead lake and a dry lake. They have learned to farm this type of land, and to develop technologies that would extract water and remove the salt from that water. They have been carefully selecting to harvest the plants that don't drink a lot of water. They used technology in agriculture and in everything else they did. As a nation they felt lonely because there were no other nations sharing their religion, language or history. And that's how they started building their country, although its history has controversy as well.

    This incredible leader was prime minister a few times, and president when he was 90. He said he has never taken a vacation because it's a waste of time. He believes in hard work and getting joy from the work you do. He also says you have to dream big, have many dreams and not be lazy. Based on their history he says that people are the greatest resource of a country that can transform any place into a great place. He got a nobel prize for peace for his negotiations in the middle east.

    He retired from being a president in 2014.

    It is actually him playing in this video below.

    My added comments: If countries had leaders such as Shimon Peres, who have clear visions and a way to get there, we'd all be living better and peaceful lives.