Haiti Place Power Partnerships

Blog Information

  • Posted By : Marcel Wah
  • Posted On : Jul 02, 2015
  • Views : 1251
  • Category : Personal
  • Description :
  • Website : http://11thdepartment.com/profile/marcelwah


  • As I consider the many ways we, the Haitian Diaspora, can be more effective and efficient, I realize that I must first start with how I can be more effective and efficient. We all operate on limited time and resources, however, there is one way to offset these limitations, and that is through Power Partnerships. By partnering and collaborating with people in Haiti who have been doing impressive work, we will not only help them achieve their goals, we in turn will achieve ours, which are simply the advancement of Haiti and prosperity for all Haitians.

    In view of this, the 11thdepartment.com and twinrivermedia.com have agreed to work together to partner with select Haiti-based individuals and non-profit organizations to provide support in key sectors. Our first select partner is Jean Wiener and FoProBiM (read Press Release) in the Environment sector.

    Visit the 11thdepartment.com often to learn more about our Power Partners and to follow the work they’re doing.

    Here are the actions we plan to take:

    1. Launch an ongoing Fundraising Campaign for each organization on the 11thdepartment.com. The purpose is to help them with the money they need to sustain their work, but more importantly to expand their activities:
    - Members of the Haitian Diaspora, Friends of Haiti, and Organizations can donate as little as $5 a month to make a real difference
    - 90% of the money raised will go directly to the organization; 10% pays for processing, technical, and administrative fees. You’ll be able to follow the money yourself and be in direct contact with the organizations above.

    2. Secure Technical Assistance and Volunteers
    - With the growing membership on the 11thdepartment.com and the ease in identifying individuals with Specific Skillsets, we plan to help match them with the organizations in need of their expertise and experience.
    - We’ll have a running campaign to help them find people who would like to volunteer their time doing various tasks and who are also willing to travel to Haiti to work side-by-side with them

    3. Provide IT Solutions
    - Through our partnership with Twin River Media (twinrivermedia.com), we will help redesign their websites and provide web training for ease of maintenance and upkeep. This is all free to the selected organizations. They will receive free hosting and technical assistance to support all their IT needs for a minimum of two years.

    4. Marketing for Greater Visibility
    - We will help them communicate their success stories and share with the world the wonderful work they’re doing.

    We are very excited about these recognizable initiatives and about our partnerships, and invite you to join us in these undertakings. You can choose your preferred way to help by: Donating a small amount of money monthly; providing Technical Assistance; or Volunteering. The small step you take now will make a huge difference in the long term success of these projects, so let’s show our united front and take care of our own.

    Stay tuned to learn about our Giving Through Membership initiative.

    I look forward to communicating with you again soon.

    Thank you.